Thursday, August 13, 2015

Let the Wee Little Ones Have More Food…

Maggie was sitting in the backyard barking at my neighbor who was sitting on Joyce’s porch this evening.

“Maggie! Get your ass in here!” I hollered out the back door as my neighbor waved at me with my head stuck out the door.

I waved back and said, “Sorry!”

Maggie suddenly changed her bark to a more urgent, playful, and joyful tone as she came flying inside through the dog door.  Papa was finally here.  I walked into the den and looked out the door and it was certainly him.  Maggie put on a grand show of affection.

“How are you two?” dad asked as he sat down on my sofa.

“Fair to middling,” I told him as we say in the South. “Maggie’s been barking at our new neighbors tonight.”

My father chuckled.

I had called him earlier and told him to run by Kroger and get more of Maggie’s food on his way home from work.  I was happy when he brought inside a fresh bag of Purina One. The Magster ate the last of her food about a few hours ago.

Dad inhaled deeply and loudly sighed as he fumblingly handed me my medications.

“It has been a long day,”  He said as his chest seemed to slump in upon itself as he sunk into the cushions on my sofa.

My medications effected me much, much more than usual tonight.  An hour passed and I felt almost punch drunk by the time Laura called me back.  My head was buzzing and my tongue was thick as I talked. Of course, I like to feel out of the ordinary so I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I will be sorely disappointed if the experience doesn’t repeat itself tomorrow night.

A Good Picture of Tamara With Her Son…



glittermom said...

She's a pretty girl....your becoming quite socialable...good for you...two ladies....

Anonymous said...

Do Tamara and her son know you're STEALING their pictures and posting it on your blog? Most young guys don't like other men that are 'friend's' with their mother to post pictures of them.

Lay off the posting pictures of other people without their permission. Hasn't the Heather incident taught you anything?
I swear you're just itching to cause drama. You really do love it.

Why don't you post pictures of yourself and all your supposed outings instead of stealing pictures from other people's Facebook pages?

I'll be letting this 'friend' AND HER SON know you've posted their picture here and will send them proof.
Enough is enough,

glittermom said...

Nobody care what you say anonymous...afraid to give us your name?

Andrew said...

Glittermom, It is definitely someone we know hiding behind the veil of anonymity.

glittermom said...

They are best's just hard for me not to say something...