Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Down Ye Olden Gullet They Go…

My medications can have a placebo effect as well.  Immediately after taking my medications, I feel calmer and more centered.  My mind knows help is on the way.  That can be a long hour to wait, though, and then they hit me like a sledgehammer hits cement. It is definitely not a subtle transition.

Tonight, Maggie was laying on the back deck and came tearing inside signaling Papa was here.  She’s is very attuned to the exhaust note of dad’s Honda and also to Charlie’s Caprica.  “Hallelujah!” I said jubilantly as I got up from this computer to go answer the front door. Maggie was barking like crazy as well especially glad to see my father tonight.

“You just can’t take all that dating,” my father told me sitting down on the couch as he opened my medications.

“We’re just friends,” I said correcting my father. “We just go out to eat once a week and then get us a sweet treat. We have never even kissed!”

“But you can’t handle all that social stuff!” he exclaimed to me. “It gets you off kilter!”

Maggie let it be known that she was hungry and has eaten as she has her own rituals as well.  She is now back on the back-deck listening to the nighttime sounds of the other dogs in the neighborhood.  They have sort of a canine grapevine thing going on – separated by distance, but not by sound.  She will soon amble back into the cool insides of my home and get on the bed for tonight’s lengthy grooming efforts.

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