Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Ultimate of Suckage Bestowed Upon Me…

I changed the comments to allow only registered users which I should’ve done a long time ago.  Nothing sucks more than pouring out your heart and soul into a blog post and you only just get one snarky anonymous comment in return. Well, that changes as of now.

The sad thing is that it is always someone you know – a regular reader of the blog as they know lots of details about your life. Is anyone able to explain this phenomenon? It’s akin to kicking a homeless person sleeping on the corner with no way to defend himself.  It happens on a lot of blogs I read.  Nobody caught more hell than “The Homeless Guy”.  He hasn’t had comments on his blog for years now.  It’s akin to the schoolyard bullying I experienced as a child, but I had a tangible way to fight back.  It is hard to believe that adults are leaving these kinds of posts – soulless adults without hearts I might add. People will hate you and yet they still read.

Class of 1964 Reunion Time…

Today is my parent’s informal gathering of their annual class reunion.  They are going to eat at Milano’s, a local Italian restaurant, and then come back to my parent’s house to mingle, converse, and eat dessert and drink spirited drinks.  This has kept my parent’s busy preparing all week – my father mostly.  Mom has been too sick to really help. Charlie has helped some as well doing some touchup painting around the interior of the house like the banisters on the stairs. 

Things to Look Forward to Today…

6:39am -- As soon as 9am rolls around, I am driving over to get my Helen to-go plates.  Helen’s creamed potaters were most excellent this week.  I also adored the yellow summer squash with Vidalia onions. I am also going to call Charlie and see if he will let me take Horsefly to the movies down in Auburn.  I will watch whatever movie Horsefly watches. This will be a big load off Charlie’s back if he accepts.


amelia said...

It might be a regular reader but it's no friend of yours that for sure.
I thought you had already made your blog private and I was surprised to see nasty comments pop up from time to time.

glittermom said...

How's this reunion going to affect your medication tonight? How long will you have to wait..

Rita said...

Amelia is right! No friend would post anything snarky. I was hoping all the jerks got left behind when you changed your blog.

Tee said...

People can be so ugly!

Tee said...

OH! CLASS OF 1964! That's the same year I graduated. I'm the same age as your parents!!!!