Friday, October 23, 2015

A Good Day to You Darlin’…

11263091_441590722676308_2041049828119303069_nThis is a note I left Wendy today. I try to do this one positive thing everyday so she will know I am thinking of her.  Our chats keep growing longer and longer as we get to know each other more and more. I can just now hear the ice cracking. I’ve been taking a very forward kind of carpe diem approach to this relationship. 

I just wanted to say hello to one of Facebook's more awesome denizens.  I hope you are having a good day. I want to lie down and take a nap with Maggie, but I am afraid I will stay up all night.  I hope you have a super day with lots of cool things happening.  Take care of yourself, Andrew.

I keep waiting for her to make the next move and tell me when she wants to go out and have dinner one night, or maybe I should take the initiative and ask her point blank.  She told me she would let me know when she is ready.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a more casual wording and don't mention the nap. I don't think I'd want to get serious with a man who naps during the day. Perhaps refer to doing some "research for a new computer" or "studying up on some new developments in Railroading" (technically, dreaming about either) sounds a little better. Just saying, as a woman.

Andrew said...

Thank you, Sharyn. This dating stuff is complicated.

glittermom said...

Just be yourself , she'll either like you or not...that's all you can do....

PipeTobacco said...


I agree with glittermom... just be yourself. Being something you are not only sets up a relationship to fail... because eventually you WIll be yourself. It is the only honest way to find someone who likes you for who you are.

Think of it this way... you would not be happy devoting your time getting to know and like a fake "Juanita" only to come and find out later the real "Juanita" is someone else you do not really care for.

You have a lot to offer... as yourself. Do not sell yourself short.
