Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Secretary Beckons…

trust_me_im_an_administrative_assistant_poster-rdcfe955d714c4a7892f209fba182a04d_wvu_8byvr_324“Why are you not getting your sodas every day?” The Secretary asked. “You haven’t gotten your sodas for three days in a row and it worries me.”

“I just haven’t felt like driving over and getting them,” I told my mother very honestly. 

“What have you been drinking?” she then asked.

“Just plain ice water,” I told her. “I keep a cold jug of water in my fridge.”

Moments later my mother drove over and brought me enough diet Coke to make up for three days of not having them. I thanked her profusely.  My only beef with The Secretary is that she drove over here in her pajamas and fuzzy slippers again.

Photo Credit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mother Martha is a woman of age (similar to me). We may go to Walmart in our jammies, the fuzzier the better! In fact, my blog is about such things. We women, over 55, who led interesting lives, who are now "retired" but still annoying the masses with our dress, our mannerisms, and laughter. It's at: if any one is interested!!