Monday, October 05, 2015

This is the Kind of Completely Crazy Social Anxiety Crap I Deal With On a Daily Basis…

e7b888a2857cea77deb345832ca4b8e6Okay, I really want to wash my car, but it is never, ever that simple.  I will have to go outside in the backyard to get my garden hose.  My beer swigging neighbor sits just a few feet from where my garden hose is stored. The mere thought of him trying to strike up a long winded conversation makes me cower in fear and I most certainly don’t need a beer. So I am hoping he will drive somewhere and then I can bring the hose to the front yard and quickly wash my car.  The only drug I have found to work against these anxieties is a six-pack of beer – one of the more often used social lubricants.

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Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I don't even use my yard. If I go out, I'm afraid some neighbor will flag me down for confab. Then no matter who it is, I feel they are fishing for info. I am pretty sure I blew it with my one neighbor. She hollered over about some mango she had bought and all I said was I didn't really like mango and went back inside. Later, someone explained to me that mango or no mango, I should have gone over to chat. About what, pray tell? Awkward pauses and a good bye?

PipeTobacco said...


Being so much a recluse is not for your inner peace, sir. I truly think if you gave your neighbor a chance, you would find he is a decent fellow... and I bet the two of you could become great friends. A friend is a good thing to have. Please consider it, seriously.
