Sunday, October 11, 2015

Nocturne De Andrew…

lsAs nighttime approaches and the sun sets, Sunday night fried chicken has a green light to go. We’re Go for launch NASA.  My mother just called me and wanted to know what I wanted for my Sunday night meal. 

“I would love to have two roast beef sandwiches or a Rueben from Arby’s,”  I told her.

Arby’s is my all time favorite fast food place.

“Your daddy will say that Arby’s is too expensive,” my mother replied morosely.

“Just get me the chicken tenders meal at KFC,” I replied disappointedly. “Also, mom, ask him if a 3 piece fried fish plate from Captain D’s would be okay.”

Mom always gets a whopper w/cheese and onion rings.  The last time I followed my mother’s lead was a few weeks ago and my burger was a disappointing and sloppily prepared mess more fit for livestock than human consumption.  


glittermom said...

I find the whoppers not to be good as they were years ago..always messy and not's like they just throw them together...

PipeTobacco said...


Do you ever give any more thought to working at writing a novel? Or pursuing some form of art that you could sell on eBay or some such place? At one time previously you had been very focused and gun-ho about such a type of pursuit. Both of these pursuits would not necessarily be hindered by occasional bouts of "unwellness", and in fact they may even flavor your work in some creative, unique ways that could make your writing or art shine uniquely. Look at Hemingway, or Faulkner, or Steinbeck, or Van Gogh. Each gentleman had his own struggles with "unwellness" and yet they created and gave masterpieces to the world. I think you could too!

All of them were also pipe smokers! That also adds to their worth too... just saying. :)
