Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Man From Mars…

Anon1231811068-30DaysOfChefBoyardee390841_lgDad was running late tonight. He realized he was out of my medications and made a mad dash to the pharmacy to get them. Dad also had to mail some important documents and told me to head on to Kroger and start my shopping. He would be there soon.

“You definitely have interesting taste buds,” my father told me tonight with a smile as we stood by my car. “You remind me of your mother. I’ve never seen someone buy a whole case of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs before.”

“Well, it is only .99¢ cents a can with my Kroger Plus card and I am trying to find a cheap food that will fill me up and last all week,” I replied.

“Just as long as you are happy,” he said to placate me as I loaded up my car through the rear hatch of the CR-V.

My most expensive purchase tonight was a box of Gain fabric softener for $6.99. My cookies were also expensive as well.  I got a package of $3.99 apple turnover cookies and a $3.99 package of tasty and soft baked oatmeal and raisin cookies.

Glittermom, you will also be glad to know that I got my coveted breakfast foods – a tradition I have sorely missed and you aptly reminded me of it.  We’re having cheese grits, Black Label bacon, and scrambled eggs tomorrow morning when I get up about 6am.  I am pretty sure Maggie can have some plain eggs and plain grits without a problem unless you all would think that would be a bad thing.

Photo Credit:   http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-180253


glittermom said...

Breakfast is the best food...now you made me hungry for it....just don't give Maggie too much....I think a little will be ok...

glittermom said...

No donuts?