Monday, October 26, 2015

Pontification About My Grocery Situation…

poppyseed-chicken-casserole-so-easy-and-so-delicious-pure-comfort-food1Monday means another grocery day has arrived and my appetite is slowly improving.  I still have tons of food from last week, though. I put a bunch of stuff in the freezer the other day. 

The Kroger doughnuts last week were a total flop. They quickly became stale and only lasted for a few days after shopping.   I won’t be getting those this week.  That’s why it pays to spend more and get the Krispy Kreme brand.

I saw a really good recipe online for poppy seed chicken casserole. You know me. I am a casserole hound.  I’ve written down all the ingredients and will get them tonight. I also want to cook some fried salmon croquettes.  My father always complains about how it stinks up your house. I will admit the smell does linger for a day or two.

“Smells like canned cat food in here!” he will protest with a grimace – his nose turned up.

Another grand idea bouncing around in my head is to buy two garlic and herb roasted  rotisserie chickens from the deli, deboning them, and making lots of chicken salad for the rest of the week. That will depend on just how much the chickens will cost tonight. My father’s recipe for chicken salad is more of a creamy pâté rather than a salad.

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1 comment:

Rita said...

I read that if you burn a candle in the kitchen, fairly close to the stove, but not too close, when you are frying foods, it helps to absorb the smell. I have never tried it while cooking fish, but it might be worth a try.

I once had salmon patties at someone's home with mashed potatoes and creamed peas. It was a good combination.