Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Little Mentally Misaligned…

oAfter a seemingly grueling afternoon of mental anguish and waiting, my father and Charlie should be here in the next hour with supper and medications.

“What do you want for supper?” my father just asked me over his cellphone.

“Risperdal Consta!” I exclaimed goodheartedly. “And some Klonopin!”

Dad and I both broke out into laughter over my exclamation this late afternoon.

“Seriously though,” I told my father. “Just get me chicken strips or whatever is easiest for you and Charlie.”

kfc-750xx895-505-113-0“Hang in there.  We will be there in just a few more minutes,” he told me.

Is is just me?  Or is this “new” Colonel in the commercials downright creepy?

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit #2:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!! He is VERY creepy. But then Norm McDonald has always had a creepy voice in my opinion. And let's face it, the Colonel was in his late 60's IN THE 60's, so this reanimation theme is just creepy...