Thursday, September 15, 2016

Okay, So Sue Me. I Reneged...
Yes, I relented and now I feel extremely guilty -- a true schmuck about it as if I have poisoned the towns well or something similar.

I woke up very, very late today around 11pm. I didn't mean to do that, but it just happened. Maggie, Ms. Priss and the Duchess as my father calls her, woke me basically because she was lonely I believe. Maggie had probably been up for hours most likely -- right around our usual time of about 7am or 8am.

Well, I was sitting in my recliner drinking a glass of cold milk and eating two strawberry Pop-Tarts. Maggie was beside herself she wanted some so badly and was very vocal about the whole affair.  Maggie has an affinity for sweets like I do. I gave her one bite of Pop-Tart and she inhaled it about as fast as I could put it in a bowl and place in on the floor.

"That's it," I told the Maggins as she begged for more. "No more Pop-Tarts for you dear."


Christina said...

It's not the end of the world to give her a bite every so often. I care more about your return to smoking cigars.

But you are a grown man and can make grown up choices.

Whatever happened to Laura?

skinny minny said...

did you mean 11 am?
Every once in while a little thing is not that bad...every day every good...
My daisy gets people food treats upon occasion especially if I am having popcorn (she loves popcorn)