Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Crinkly Wrappers...

Well, Papa just left at 10 PM. I was off an estimated hour and the wine factor was in full effect. "One more glass of wine and I will go take care of Andrew's medications." I know the game very well. I used to play it all the time myself. "One more beer and I will head back to my dorm room."

"Why don't you let me drive you home?" I asked my father. "If you get pulled over, you are going to get a DUI. You will go to jail for the night, and Charlie will have to bail you out in the morning."

"I haven't had that much to drink!!!" he snapped at me like an insolent child.

"All that money you have in the bank and that $260,000 dollar house will be gone if you get caught in a reckless driving lawsuit."

That didn't faze him one bit. He got in his car and drove home. He gets that from his father who was quick to fight and even quicker to take a drink. It must be all the Irish blood in them. I've got my fair share of it in me as well.

And Now to a Much Lighter Subject...

Maggie just adores crinkly food wrappers. I dropped an empty fudge covered Twinkie wrapper on the floor and she has had the best time with it. She's gone now and found another I dropped by my Laz-E-Boy and is having a ball. I am listening to Mozart's Requiem with a background of crinkly Twinkie. She's on her back now on the floor with the wrapper between her paws like an otter. It makes me want to go over there and pat and tickle her belly.


glittermom said...

I can't find those new twinkles up here...I have my eye out on the look out.

glittermom said...

Does Maggie have any chew toys? You need to get her some.

Summer said...

When did your father paint the house again? I like this color much better!

glittermom said...

I think that's an older picture of the house..looks like fall...

Kran's Crackers said...

Your Dad needs to remember how much he worried about you when you were drinking. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Why wouldn't you worry about him driving drunk, it's perfectly reasonable for you to worry about him.