Thursday, July 06, 2017

Where is George Now?

I can remember George of George and the gang notoriety vividly in my mind. I miss him in a lot of ways, but the drinking part is what keeps me away from him these past few years.

"How's your wife doing?" George asked me as I was walking up the incline to the  Piggly Wiggly. "Tell her to give me a call sometimes."

"Who are you?" I asked.

I didn't know George from a hill of beans. If you knew my haughty taughty ex-wife, Rachel, then you knew this was so very laughable -- her knowing and mingling with George that is.

The Legend Grows...

Every morning I would walk up to the Piggly Wiggly and buy the cheapest beer I could find which usually entailed a 12 pack of Schlitz malt liquor. I can still taste that malt liquor as I sit here and write this. Malt liquor is sweeter than beer, but a definite acquired taste.

The next morning George was pulled up to the curb as he stood next to his car. Big D and Ferret were sitting on the bench in front of the Pig.

"Andrew, tell these motherfuckers how many sand niggas you killed in Iraq, Andrew here was a navy seal during the war."

I started to laugh at this preposterous notion. I told Ferret and Big D that me being a navy seal was a crock of shit.

"George, you've got me mixed up with someone else," I kept telling him.


glittermom said...

I often wonder what happened to Ferret and Rosa. If they are even alive anymore. They lived a rough life.

PipeTobacco said...

I too miss George. I wish you would try to find him. You two had a lot of fun. It was' t only two had a real friendship. You could rekindle that again.


Sharyn said...

So old George Of George and Pookie? That George? Is he finally out of prison??