Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fried Green Tomatoes...

I had told dad to bring me some green tomatoes since Kroger didn't have any on my last visit. He brought me some last night from the curb market and I had fried green tomatoes for lunch. I was as simple as dipping the tomato slices in buttermilk and then dipping them in cornmeal.  Let them fry in oil until they are golden brown. They taste much richer fried in peanut oil I have learned. That is Chick-fil-A's secret as well.

Brother to Brother...

Dad just called me and told me he would be here in a few hours with medications. I told him I wanted him to invite my brother to go on our little road-trip. He would love to see Falling Creek -- the camp for boys we went to as children and teenagers.

"You call your brother!" he said with a chuckle.

"Dad! You know I can't talk on the phone!" I replied as he chuckled some more.

"Are you hungry?" dad then asked. "Do you want me to get you a burger on my way to your house?"

I told him I have plenty of bologna left and plenty of bread.

(I can't believe I passed up the chance for a burger)

"I'll be sure and bring you your diet Cokes," he then told me.

Dad had to work again this morning and I asked him if he had something under his sleeve with all this work he is doing. He assured me he was just giving his co-pharmacist, Angie, some time off.

1 comment:

Summer said...

It's bad, I know, but I fry my green tomatoes in bacon grease. Sooo good!