Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Game is Once Again Afoot...

Dr. Watson and I were just sitting in my computer room. I was just showing my dear Watson how far it is to Papa's house.

"I'd say that is a short 4 miles," Watson said.

"Yes, Dr. Watson, we will soon find out if Papa comes at 8 PM. 9 PM, or 10 PM, and yes, we are factoring in the wine factor which will cause my father to be much, much later," I replied.

"Should you call to find out his current level of inebriation?" Dr. Watson asked inquisitively.

"Oh no!" I said to Watson alarmingly. "That would provoke the beast within and cause much anger and insolence!"

"Taking into account all factors I say my father will be here around 9 PM Watson."

"Ah, the law of averages is being used," said Dr. Watson astutely.

"You are quite correct my dear Watson."

1 comment:

glittermom said...

You and Watson make a great team!