Friday, July 14, 2017

My Companion Beckons...

Maggie woke me up this morning. I opened my eyes to Maggie's face in mine and she was whining. I guess she got lonely and probably wanted some breakfast as well.

The first order of the day was to turn my air conditioning back up to 80° degrees. It was freezing in here. I park the temperature on 76° degrees at night.

I got some cheese-toast in the oven and then dilly dallied around on my laptop that is currently sitting on my kitchen table. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if the cheese on the toast was bubbling and turning brown. I pulled the toast out as soon as it was getting crusty on the edges. It was time for the Magster and me to eat as soon as the toast cooled somewhat.

Maggie has a weird habit that she takes all food into the computer room to eat it. She started to drag her paper plate of cheese toast out of the kitchen. I didn't get on to her and just let her do her thing this morning.


Summer said...

What kind of cheese do you use? I use cheddar and if I have decent tomatoes I will put a slice on it as well. Happy Saturday!

Andrew said...

Summer, I like to use Cracker Barrel cheddar if I can afford it.