Monday, July 10, 2017

Where's Papa?

I drove over to my parent's house. I couldn't find my father after looking all through the house. It was like a ghost town. I knew he was home because the garage door was left up and all the cars were there. I finally found him sitting up by the mailbox soaking wet with sweat. I walked up and sat down with him.

"I am trying to get this front flowerbed weeded before it gets too hot," he told me. "Come on and let's get you some lunch. I had plenty of those pork chops and rice left."

Now that was truly music to my ears.

"Do you want to go ahead and take your medications now?" my father asked. "Or wait until we go to get groceries tonight?"

"I wouldn't mind it," I replied -- my medications were already waning from yesterday.

We took my medications. I got my 6 sodas for the day and my father sent me packing with pork chops and rice.

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