Friday, July 28, 2017

Can I Please Have Some Male Friends? Let's End this Drought...

One of Laura's (long story/old date friend) old boyfriends named Rich has kept in touch with me via Facebook. He messaged me today to see if I would help him get to the doctor next Tuesday. He is on disability like me and can't afford a car. I gave him my phone number and said I would help him out with his lack of mobility. Well, his wife called me and we talked awhile, and she then put Rich on the phone and we ended up talking an hour about various things. I have been complaining to my father about being lonely and lo and behold a friend arrives. Amazingly? I didn't have any problems with my phone phobias tonight during that call. It was fluid with no uncomfortable silent stretches. I warned Rich that I may have to suddenly get off.

I also have my high school friend Mark who wants to go to lunch sometime and I am very excited about this. He said he was excited as well. He reads the journal so he knows full well what I am like and my loves and dislikes. Let's hope we can get together soon and catch up on old times. He says I am going to be surprised at the similarities of our lives.

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