Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Calling Out For All Calvary...

Dad and I were trying to figure out tonight what medicine out of the handful I am taking that causes me such severe withdrawal late in the evening. Sometimes, I am gritting my teeth waiting on my father to arrive. I take my medications and I am fine in an hour. Tonight, I had a low-grade headache and restlessness. It also causes a lack of concentration -- making browsing the web frustrating to the point of being futile.

"I think it's your Klonopin," my father said tonight speaking plaintively. "It is highly addictive and you are on a very high dosage."

I take 6mg every night.  The drug is in the same family of drugs that Valium and Xanax are members of. I am supposed to take 2mg in the morning, 2mg at lunch, and 2 mg in the evening, but I am under the Johnny Otis medication regime and take them all at night (which is probably for the best to be honest).  It is prescribed for general anxiety and anxiety/panic attacks.  I call it my Huxley's Soma if you are familiar with the book A Brave New World.

It is 9:03pm right now and the medications will take effect at 9:45pm.  I can time it almost to the minute if I took them on an empty stomach as I always do.

image credit:  http://www.salon.com/2012/07/28/my_klonopin_fog/

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Why can't you ask your doctor about this..I'm sure he's more qualified then your father..and he might have a solution...are you taking drugs not prescribed by your doctor?