Monday, January 04, 2016

We Were Graced by Her Grace, The Secretary...

I saw mom pull up in front of the house as I sat at this computer.  Maggie was sound asleep on the couch when I said quietly, "Momma's here."  Maggie instantly awoke and bolted onto the back of the couch about as fast as I could get the words out of my mouth. Mom walked across the yard and I greeted her at the door.

The Secretary's pet healthcare calendar dictated that it was time for Maggie's heartworm pills.  Mom also brought a can of Vienna sausages which is one of her favorite treats.  Maggie was barking up a joyful storm as mom walked inside.  Maggie doesn't get to see my mother very often so this was a real treat for her. Anytime a wayward pack member returns home is a big deal to the Magster, Princess of Mauritania and Maratouse.

Maggie chewed up her heartworm pills in peanut butter Greenies pill pockets and then got the privilege of six Vienna sausages.  She was in hog heaven.

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