Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Head in a Fog...

I remember a good horror book written by Steven King in the eighties where people would walk out into a heavy fog and never return.  The fog was ever encroaching -- taking over the land.  That's how I feel today. My head is in a fog, but I do hope to return.  My father is supposed to stop by while he is running his errands today and bring me my medications.  Of course, he balked.

"You want them this early in the day?"

"I was hoping they would make me feel better," I replied.

"Your injection is in the morning so maybe that's why you don't feel well," he told me. "Your medications levels are getting low."

Non-existent is a better word.

"Yes, that is exactly why," I thought when I gleaned that little bit of information out of my father. The injection was actually supposed to be today, but my father changed the appointment.  I know it is psychosomatic, but I already feel better knowing they are on their way.

The Cook in the Kitchen...

I haven't done much today except finish cooking my spaghetti sauce and listening to music.  The recipe for spaghetti sauce I used today was 2lbs ground chuck, one large bottle of Prego traditional, one large can of Hunt's tomato sauce, and a small can of Del Monte crushed tomatoes with onions, green bell peppers, and celery. I ate a small bowl to test it and it tasted delicious. It made enough to feed a small army so I will freeze most of it for those lean weeks I run out of food.


Well, Papa just stopped by rife with criticism told with a disarming smile. I really wasn't ready for his arrival and he caught me off guard. I didn't expect him for several hours.

"Don't leave used food bowls out and always close Maggie's dog food," he told me. "You're going to get bugs or food poisoning and Maggie won't eat that food if it is stale."

"Yes sir!" I said, just glad he was here. "We don't want las cucarachas!"

"I've got some things I need to be working on as well and we are going to do it together."

"Yes, sir!" I said as I walked him to the door after we took my medications.

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