Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Where the Strong Can Become Weak...

Mom called me this morning and asked if I wanted to go grab a Reuben sandwich at Arby's with her for lunch. I told her that sounded great and that I needed to run by Wal-Mart to get some speaker wire. The Wal-Mart resides in the same shopping center.

"I'll sit out in the car while you go into Wal-Mart," mom told me saying she couldn't walk that far.

Well, lunch was great.  I love a Reuben sandwich and it hit the spot on this cold day. The curly fries were superb eaten with Arby's sauce.

I then had to tackle Wal-Mart for a spool of large gauge speaker wire next.   Sensory overload hit me as I gulped and headed back to the electronics department.  A moment of vertigo overcame me as I walked. Everything always seems so in motion in these big box stores. I almost impulse bought Star Wars Battlefront, but I knew I would never play it.  I enjoy games from decades past more these days.  I grabbed my spool of speaker wire, paid, and quickly headed back to my mother's car.

"I had a panic attack while you were in Wal-Mart!" mom exclaimed as I got back in the car. "I took three Xanax and am already feeling better."

"Me and you both are going home for a quiet afternoon," I told my mother. "I had a moment of vertigo in Wal-Mart as well."

image credit:  http://www.myevansvillemommy.com/2012/02/arbys-free-curly-fries-drink-w-reuben.html

Expunging Food Data...

I've got beef lo mein simmering on the stove at the moment.  It smells delicious in here and my recipe will feed me for 2 or 3 days.  I learned that cabbage is much easier to quarter and cut if it is at room temperature.  I also learned from the last time I cooked beef lo mein is that you shouldn't skimp on the soy sauce.  The Kroger soy sauce is horrible and the Kikkoman's is much tastier. The word premium comes to mind.

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