Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Insidious Cold...

The Secretary called me last hour.  Mom said she had been asleep for hours today and Helen kept waking her up.  I chuckled.  My father would call this royalty speaking.  He says my mother and I act like royalty and must be treated as such.

"The house feels cold," my mother then said. "I don't think the heat is working."

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Your daddy had to work all day today," mom replied

I headed to my parent's house woefully under-dressed for this little expedition. My car started blowing warm air as soon as I pulled in my parent's driveway.  I let myself in through the back door. Helen was vacuuming the den. Helen turned off the vacuum to say hello.  It certainly was very chilly in my parent's house.  I checked the thermostat and it was set to 75°F, but the temperature was 65°F.

"Do you know what's wrong?" the Secretary asked me.

"I think the pilot light has gone out again," I told her.

I delved into the bowels of the house where the heating and cooling unit resides in the basement. Certainly enough the pilot light was blown out.  I walked upstairs and got some matches out of the kitchen and lit it.  Within moments, warm air was flowing out of my parent's vents.

"Wait before you go," my mother told me. "Helen made egg salad for lunch and she is going to make you two sandwiches."

That pleased me quite mightily.  Helen gave me two sandwiches in Ziploc bags and I hit the road for home after grabbing my daily allotment of six diet Cokes off the kitchen counter.

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