Sunday, March 06, 2016

Needed Clarification About Some Overblown Exaggeration...

I over exaggerated about my father and I always being in a contentious state. I wrote that post at a fever pitch in the heat of the moment. We get along pretty well in these later years -- quite well I might add. We used to couldn't stand each other five or six years ago. And no, I am not a dirty slob. I take showers every day and my house is just kind of cluttered with a heaping helping of dog hair thrown in. My hardwood floors just need a good sweeping and mopping, and the bathroom needs some elbow grease. My father's standards for cleanliness are just higher than for the average person. He expects perfection and I am an imperfect being.

image credit:

1 comment:

Summer said...

I expect your dad has a bit of OCD going on. I used to be such a neat freak, but, after having kids and a husband who isn't I gave up. Sweats on a Saturday are fine attire!