Thursday, March 03, 2016

Heal These Broken Wings. I Need to Fly Far, Far Away...

After my devastating divorce, I needed a place to go. I had spent the winter living out in God's Country on some timber land we owned. It was just me and my tent, a backpack full of camping gear, and copious amounts of beer. I got to where I would ride into town on my motorcycle to my late grandmother's house and sleep in a closet with a candle burning. You would be surprised at how much welcoming heat a candle can put off. It would get that small closet quite relatively warm.

One night, I bravely and desperately called my mother and told her I needed a place to stay and that I had been homeless for months. She came right over to my late grandmother's house and turned on the heat and helped me fix a bed in the apartment in the bottom of her house. It was one of the few times I've seen my mother stand up to my father in recent memory. This usurped my plans to ride to Nashville and sleep in the men's rescue mission and live off the streets. "The Homeless Guy" would spend all day browsing the internet with a donated laptop in McDonald's and sleep in the Rescue Mission at night. How hard could homeless there be compared to what I was experiencing here?

Early to Bed and Relatively Early to Rise...

I was in the bed at a very early 9:00 pm last night. It had been a rough and tumble day and I was tired. I had taken my medications around 6:00 pm at my parent's house.

"Who was Neville Chamberlain?" my father asked me as we all sat in their den yesterday afternoon.

"He was Britain's pacifist Prime Minister before Churchhill came to power," I replied. "Peace in our time."

"See Martha?" dad cackled laughing. "You're the school teacher. You should know this stuff."

Dad and I went on to discuss the Treaty of Versailles that was signed at the end of World War I and about how it brought Germany to its knees and instigated World War II.

A New Day. A Hopefully Better Tomorrow...

I woke up at 2:00 pm today feeling much better. I woke up to thunder and rain, though. A very comforting sound to me. Not so much for others. I just saw a frightening flash of a cloud to ground lightning strike on the horizon -- vivid and dangerous.

Mom is bringing Mexican food tonight along with my sodas around 7:00 pm. We're having chicken fajitas tonight with a glass of coy tasting and bubbly diet Coke. I fear the weather may cancel her and Mrs. Sandra's rendezvous, though.

I had some frozen biscuits left from last week's grocery visit and a little block of cheddar left. Maggie and I had cheese biscuits cooked in my little toaster oven for lunch. 

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