Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Let Sleeping Babes Lie...

I'm in the computer room -- the only room in the house with lights on. Maggie is on the back of the couch snoozing in the den in the dark. As soon as I turn off this lamp by my computer, she will follow me to bed when she hears the peculiar sound it makes when you lie down. It is so nice, quiet, and serene in my home tonight. I do try to count my blessings these days. The caveat is that I don't have to be drunk to enjoy it in my latter years.

Dad also called me earlier in the day and wanted me to drive over and take my medications. I happily obliged, but I am now missing his visit tonight. I know Maggie wonders if he will ever get here. I am going to regret taking those medications so early come afternoon tomorrow. The main side-effect of my medications today was drowsiness.  I came home and slept all afternoon.  You've heard me talk about my mother cycling with her mental illness. Well, I am cycling at the moment as well to a phase of sleepiness. I am going to take this bull by the horns and ride it as long as I can. Sleeping too much is much more preferable than insomnia and the misery it instills.

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