Monday, March 07, 2016

Comment Replies...

glittermom said...

Changing the you or have you ever had an nintendo ? Just wondered..I think they came out before the bigger systems they have now days....more of a hand held....
I got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas a few years ago but never used it. I am too lazy for such a contraption that you have to flail your arms about to play a game. I just want to sit there with my controller in hand. I owned the original Nintendo Entertainment System back in the year of 1987 and my brother and I spent countless hours playing that machine. The new handhelds are really nice. Kids are spoiled these days when it comes to video games. 


glittermom said...

The new hand held one comes in 3D.. Who cleans your dads house,I can't imagine he cleans the whole house himself..even if you clean the house real good soon it will be back the way it is...then your dad will have to nag you again..instead of bribing you with computer parts why doesn't he have one of those cleaning services come in once a and Maggie could go out for a walk if you feel uncomfortable being there..

Jan said...

I bought my kids a Nintendo twenty years ago. They liked it but I LOVED it! I played it so much that I got tendonitis in my thumb! They lost interest until Wii came out.

Flailing arms, broken light fixture, you get the picture...I couldn't wait for it to break.

I don't play games these days. My kindle is more my speed.
