Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Going On Nigh Ten...

Credit: Wal-Mart
Dad was really late tonight for the medication ritual, but mom had called and warned me so I didn't get agitated or aggravated. I got in my recliner with my aging Ipad and waited patiently.

He bought a bunch of new clothes for the cruise today and was washing and drying them. The last load took longer than he thought it would. Mom is like the central nexus of the family relaying messages, status updates, and stuff. One must be a diligent Secretary to aspire to the role.

My father is off to the grocery store now to do my parent's shopping as he does every Wednesday night. I told him to get me some that "Fabuloso" cleaner to mop my kitchen floors with, but I betcha $100 he will forget. I can't fault him as I am just like him and got that same gene. We have to write it down and bring a list or we won't get it. Update: my mother is calling him to tell him to get me a big bottle of Fabuloso. Duck and run for cover lol! I am going to be in trouble!

"I am going to get Martha to get you up something to do next," my father is going to say when he brings that Fabuloso by my house after shopping tonight. "I am going to tell her that you need some appointments scheduled."

OMG! Garlic meet Vampire!

Well, it will be 10:50 pm almost down to the second when my medications take effect. I have about 20 highly anticipated minutes to wait. Right now, I am enjoying a very pleasant cherry hinted Swisher Sweets cigar.

1 comment:

PipeTobacco said...


I hope the Swisher Sweet was enjoyable!
