Monday, March 07, 2016

Comment Replies...

Rita Wrote...

I wonder if Helen can start getting Social Security? Or maybe she will try to get another job? How long has she worked for your parents?

Do you watch movies? Have you ever seen the movie called, "The Help"?

Andrew Replies...

Rita, she is already on disability. You can still work on disability, but you can only make so much money. Helen has worked for my parents for about 10 years. No, I haven't seen The Help. I will have to check it out.


glittermom said...

Changing the you or have you ever had an nintendo ? Just wondered..I think they came out before the bigger systems they have now days....more of a hand held....

glittermom said...

I don't think you get social security unless you or your employer have been paying into it...

Rita said...

I'll bet you will get quite a kick out of The Help. It is about 3 southern women. It shows your typical southern situations about blacks and whites, and it also shows people who are sensitive, and people who get revenge. I have always been sensitive to situations for the underdog. Octavia Spencer and Viola Davis both won awards for their performances. I am curious about how a southerner views the movie. I have an African American neighbor, a single man who is a hair dresser. He could just go on and on about how good the movie was.