Thursday, March 10, 2016

On Cloud 9...

I love this photo of Iris. She is so gorgeous.
My father certainly was a busy and upbeat fellow tonight. Maggie went and sat out on the outside deck he made her so nervous. He was laughing loudly and talking really loudly as well. He wanted me to pull up all my relatives on Facebook. He finally took the helm of my computer as I wasn't browsing fast enough. The grandkids and photos of them hold a special place in his heart.

He will not join Facebook because he says he will be inundated with friend requests.

"You need to set up a stealth Facebook account called Jimmy Reese who lives in Milwaukee," I told him with an amused smile. "And then you can very selectively choose what friends to have with your alias."

"Play that Iris DeMent song for me one more time!" dad then exclaimed before leaving. "Turn it up! Now wouldn't that get all the religious folks stirred up around here in the South?"

"To confound the Christians," I added. "She also plays a lot of religious songs as well."

"Play May the Circle Be Unbroken next," my father urged me. "Momma would have liked that! She always said it was too sad for funerals, though."

I was just in the kitchen getting a Coke after dad had left when Maggie poked her head inside the dog door. "Coast clear? Is the madman gone?" she seemed to impart and I started smiling. She crawled back through the dog door and went and got on the bed.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love Iris DeMent, especially "Let the Mystery Be"!