Thursday, February 04, 2016

Sometimes Us Wee Little Ones Must Bark at 3 AM...

I need some kind of cat deterrent. Wait! I have one and her name is Maggie also known as the Magster, the princess of Mauritania and Maratouse -- cat sex interrupter extraordinaire.

I was almost halfway back to sleep after taking a potty break around 3 am when I heard two cats scream loudly during their amorous affairs outside my bedroom window.

"Oh shit!" I muttered under my breath as this began to quickly unfold. "There goes any hope of sleeping until morning time."

That's Maggie's equivalent of the shit hitting the fan. She went flying off our bed barking frantically and clamoring through the dog door to put an end to such noisy nonsense in her backyard. She barked viciously for a good 30 minutes until deciding she was cold, the cats were gone, and she was coming back inside.

Unlike Maggie, I have to de-stress and wind down after such an event. Thus, my blogging at 4 am. Maggie was back on the bed and asleep after 10 minutes of laying back down.

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