Tuesday, February 23, 2016


My father's mother suffered from Alzheimer's disease.  Lately, my father has been doing odd things. Tonight, he left my medications on the piano. That's something he never does. He has forgotten the medications only 2 or 3 times in years.

The other day we took my medications early in the day and that night he comes back over to give me my medications again.

"Uh, Dad, you've already given me my medications," I told him.

I almost liked to have never convinced him that he did.

Also tonight, he saw me get my diet Cokes and then he comes running out to my car in the driveway telling me I forgot my Cokes.

There have been several other strange things as well that I can't recall off the top of my head.


amelia said...

Probably just getting forgetful in his later years.

glittermom said...

It's common to be more forgetful in later years..at least that's what I tell myself.

Jan said...

My father's doctor told me that if you lose your keys or forget to lock the door...that's normal. If you forget what keys are for or can't operate the door lock...that's dementia.

Kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

Unknown said...

I would say that he is suffering from a stress related memory fatigue. It happens to most people when they are over stressed, lack of relaxation and not enough sleep. Sounds to me like he needs a vacation just sitting on a riverbank fishing and not doing anything else.

Andrew said...

I called mom and we talked about it. She thinks it is all the wine he has been drinking lately. Oh man!
