Thursday, November 12, 2015

Grandma Sally Lou Always Said if You Ain’t Got Nothing Good to Say, then Don’t Say Anything at All…

grandma01I am just now learning there are just things best left off the blog for my blog reading friend’s sake.  Next time I write about my neighbor, I am going to tell you how he was drinking a coke.  His heater is just broken and the repairman comes tomorrow, and that he is fit as a fiddle. He’s acting like any good neighbor should.

A real slippery slope is having a $100 in your wallet and the parents are out of the town for a week with you in control of your medications.  Now, then, damage shall be done. Call me when the Klonopin, Marlboros, and Bud Light run out. 

Oh, Maggie just farted flowers!

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1 comment:

glittermom said...

It's a slippery slope what you say to your mostly elderly readers.. Haha. You just tell it like it is and let everyone get over it..