Sunday, November 01, 2015

The Dog Father…

cheese-biscuit-hash-brownI’d make a terrible parent and that’s probably a good thing why I don’t have children.  I wouldn’t be able to say no when my child wanted candy or a toy.  

Charlie knocked on the door early this morning and Maggie went flying through the house to greet Charlie.  I opened the door and Charlie and I had a little discussion why we hate the time change. 

“It will get dark at 6pm tonight!” Charlie said with an aggravated tone to his voice.

Today we had sausage and egg biscuits and Maggie began begging as soon as I opened the fridge door to get out some yellow mustard.  I finally had to give Maggie a sausage biscuit to make her happy.  Her hair will probably start to fall out tomorrow or she will get projectile diarrhea.   It’s kind of like Montezuma’s revenge when it comes to dogs and people food.

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