Thursday, November 26, 2015

Slam Some Cheese On Texas Toast in that There Contraption…

andrews cheese toastI am on the downhill slope to bed I think.  It is almost 4:30am and I am getting very sleepy as the morning progresses.  I feel so much, much better staying up at night and sleeping in the day, though.  I just know it has something to do with the levels of my medications in my bloodstream.  It is a shame I can’t take just my medications in the morning. I know we’ve all talked about this before so I will refrain from rehashing too much.  It just can’t be done unless my father allows me complete control of my medications and I don’t see that happening soon.   He’s is so afraid I will take all the Klonopin out of my med pack and get drunk or not take them at all. The feel good police are rabid, militant, and rampant around here. Dad will also tell me he can’t live with me or my mother un-medicated.

Happy SoBe to You Too… 

Before breakfast, I took a long cat nap – no telling how long I was out for that one.  I bet I slept for about two hours. I woke up dazed, rubbing my eyes, and Maggie was snoring on the couch. I headed out this much warmer morning (49° degrees) to go get my SoBe citrus drink. Circle K was deserted as usual.  I put my 76¢ in change on the counter after telling the clerk Happy Thanksgiving and drove home.

Surreptitious is the Name of the Game…

I just fixed the Magster and I a pretty decent breakfast. The Texas cheese toast came out perfect if not a little too done, but I like it to get brown and bubbly.  It was accompanied with scrambled eggs and some excellent buttery grits.  Maggie got some plain grits and eggs with her antibiotic surreptitiously added in. I always sigh with relief when she eats it all with that antibiotic mixed in.

Dear Andromeda…


I was pondering the above photo a moment ago.  We live in a vast universe.  That is the Andromeda galaxy – the closest true galaxy to our own if you don’t count the large and small maggellanic clouds that circle our galaxy.  All the stars you see in that photo are in our galaxy.  You can actually see Andromeda with the naked eye on a dark night.  It is very faint, though, and you have to know where to look or you will miss it. 

1 comment:

Summer said...

What if you met him at the pharmacy or at home in the morning to take your meds? Would he go for that? It could be that he just likes to visit you and Maggie each night.