Thursday, November 12, 2015

Two Nuzzles Three?

MaggieFive_thumb[1]Maggie is being very needy and insistent at the moment. It is way past her usual bedtime. (Who am I kidding?  Anytime is a good time for Maggie’s bedtime.  She can drop to the floor and be snoring in five minutes flat.)

Maggie keeps nuzzling me in the side of my thigh to remind me her back needs a scratchin’. She is very subtle about it.  I will give her a good back scratch and watch as she melts into supreme ecstasy.  15 minutes will pass and then she needs a refill.

Funny Email Bombs… 

Strong magic for dumb Injun. You know? If you are going to try and discredit me in an email bomb, at least have a rudimentary grasp of of the English language and grammar.  Grasp hold of your spellcheck feature and it will seemingly raise your IQ level from 50 to 100 almost instantly.  Mmkay?  Don’t forget to sign up for Grammarly as well. That’s if your parents will let you use their credit card.

Playing the Compassion Card…

With me having worried inclinations, my elderly neighbor next door cranked his car for about the eleventh time to get warm tonight.  I walked over and asked him if he would come over and get out of the cold for awhile and watch the television.  I thought it was going to be awkward, but he was a nice, but heavily inebriated fellow.  He brought two beers with him and asked me if he could put them in the fridge.

“I eat breakfast and lunch down at the senior center every day,” he told me as he sat in my Laz-E-Boy and crossed his legs.

He colors his hair and it made deciphering his age problematic. He’s in his seventies.

“Can I smoke in here?” he then asked as I walked into my kitchen to get my old ashtray out of the cabinet. 


amelia said...

Slippery slope re your neighbour..Beer and smokes?

Christina said...

He doesn't have heat in his home? How did he afford to buy it? This is gonna become a regular thing, I fear.

glittermom said...

You were very compassionate for a fellow obviously in trouble...I think you know enough not to follow that path again..I do wonder what his story one said he bought the you ever see that lady that was at the house before he moved in? Maybe someone got the house for a place for him so as not to deal with him...

amelia said...

Glittermom..I believe Joyce died. If my memory serves me right.

glittermom said...

Amelia I know Joyce died,.I was referring to the elderly lady at her house before the outside man moved in..not Joyce..

PipeTobacco said...

I think it is nice for you to befriend him, sir.


glittermom said...

I agree...if it gets to be too much for you just stop..