Thursday, November 12, 2015

Time for Maggie Time…

10808779_1515980908656710_135174007_nMom showed up over here a moment ago.

“What are you doing out this late in the afternoon?” I asked her from across my yard as she struggled to get out of her car.

“It’s time for Maggie’s flea medications,” replied The Secretary as she ambled across my front yard up to the stoop.

We need a superhero cape for mom when she is in Secretary mode.  A capital S for secretary.

The Secretary had the pill and a Vienna sausage can in her hand.   Maggie knows the ropes.  She first has to eat the peanut butter encased flea pill then she gets her six sausages.

I laughed and told mom I wished I could get such satisfaction out of a can of Vienna sausages.  

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