Sunday, November 22, 2015

Make Mine a Café Mocha…

I am new to these fancy Italian coffees and my intrigue has gotten the best of me. We don’t have a Starbucks, internet cafes, or anything similar to those in our little town.  

I think the title means you are getting a chocolate flavored coffee.  Isn’t an espresso an extremely concentrated form of coffee?  I’ve been sampling some of the coffee machine offerings only offered in our local convenience stores.  So far, my favorite is a cappuccino if I am using the term correctly.  I can see how people can get addicted to these drinks.  They are great hand warmers as well.


My grandmother just couldn’t start her day without a several cups of percolated breakfast coffee.  The brand she loved best was Eight O'clock.  You ground the coffee yourself in the store with a grinding machine which usually resided by the coffee beans.  She also enjoyed her coffee with sweetened evaporated milk for which I could never really develop a taste for.

Ah, I just found this chart online to be immensely helpful. I always tell people online to “Google it” when they need an question answered.  I should practice what I preach. I assume these drinks should have sugar as one of the ingredients.


Photo Credit:


glittermom said...

You can also order your coffee drink with extra shots of espresso...

Summer said...

My father drank his coffee with evaporated milk and lots of sugar.

glittermom said...

It's an acquired taste..I like it too...