Monday, November 09, 2015

Where Art Thou Fred's?

jolly-rancher1I haven’t been in Fred’s in a few days which is rather odd for me.  Sometimes, I just need that cheap dollar store experience.  The main reason I went this afternoon was to get some more hard candy.  I’ve had terrible cigarette cravings lately that have come out of no where it sometimes seems. I had to quit smoking cigars as I think they were also triggering the cravings.  I just don’t have the self control right now to keep from smoking at the moment and needed some help. I also got a canister of roasted cocktail peanuts.  I love to snack on those things! I keep the salty can of peanuts by the computer.

“How are you, honey?” McGruff said to me looking over her reading glasses as I stepped up for my turn at the register.

I smiled back and told her it was good to see her. You could almost see her grumpy old heart melt.  Just don’t have a return as all hell breaks loose.

That Concentration Camp Look…

This morning I stepped on my scales for my daily weigh in.  I weighed 195 pounds and I am 6 foot 3 inches.  I’ve lost a lot of weight lately – over twenty pounds.  Dad was noticing it in my cheeks last night saying they looked sunken in.

“Don’t get the concentration camp look going on again,” he told me callously and without a heart.

“I just haven’t been that hungry lately,” I told my father honestly. “I put everything I cook in the freezer.”

img_2255My father sees it as if a schizophrenic calamity is on the horizon. He sees it as signs of imminent doom.

You know what would be awesomely delicious to me right now?  An extra meaty meat sauce with lots of grated parmesan cheese added and sopped up with slices of toasted Sunbeam old fashioned sandwich bread.  I think I will cook an extra batch of meat sauce just for that this evening (If I can afford the extra tomato sauce and ground chuck!).

photo credit:

photo credit #2:

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