Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Good In it All…

135183096So, Andrew?  Is the glass half full?  Or is the glass half empty?  What’s that about posting less and not overwhelming your readers?  That didn’t work out so well, did it? I had a lot to share this morning and last night as it is a kind of therapy for me to get it all out in words. Just pick and choose the posts that look interesting to you. 

I’ve decided this morning that I am going to just be thankful for all I have.  I have a house and car that are completely paid for.  Believe me when I say that homelessness in the winter is no walk in the park.  That winter of 2001 when I was homeless for six months was a time in my life best forgotten unless I commit it again.  Any homeless man out there would trade places with me in a heartbeat with what I have and what my life is like.  So, I have to be a little uncomfortable waiting on medications. So what!  My mental health is ten times better than it was ten years ago.

I also have all the food I want to eat.  I have learned to shop within my limits/means and usually have nutritious food throughout the week.  Helen cooks on Fridays – reminiscent of the wonderful country cookin’ like my grandmother cooked when I was a child.  Today, I have two big plates of Helen’s leftovers to eat that mom is saving for me to come and get them.   Sunday, Charlie brings us breakfast biscuits and then Charlie and my father bring fried chicken that night. The bounties on Sunday are always welcomed!

My computers are my life, both social, intellectual, and emotional.  I have two of some of the fastest computers in my little town I would dare say. Handmade by me.  I also have access to a world of information via the internet. Basically, it is like having a worlds worth of libraries at your fingertips.

How could I forget my dearest darling Maggie? The closest thing I will ever have to a child. My wonderful little furry companion who keeps us connected and safe in this neighborhood.  I can’t go to sleep unless her back is touching mine as it usually does after I turn off the lights and pull the covers over us. 

Yes, I do believe I have lots of things to be very thankful for.  Yes, indeed.

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1 comment:

Summer said...

Yes you do. But. Haha. I will tell you what my therapist told me years ago. Feelings are never right or wrong. They are just feelings and you are entitled to them. Don't beat yourself up for feeling one way or another. We all have bad days and the feelings that go along with them are normal. Anyone who has read you for any length of time knows that you are grateful for what you have.