Monday, November 23, 2015

Just a Few Stragglers in the Rear…

Oatmeal-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies-with-Milk9pm rolled around last night and Papa and Charlie had still not arrived.  This kind of stuff drives my mother and I bat shit crazy – the haphazardness of all this frazzles our brains. We need orderly and predictable living environs and engagements. My father wasn’t answering his cellphone either which I found aggravatingly odd.  I was standing in the kitchen eating oatmeal and raisin cookies and drinking a large and cold glass of milk when Maggie alerted me to their arrival.   

“Hey y’all!” I said at my screen door with a mouthful of milky cookies.  “Where in the hell have you two been at?”

Maggie was barking so loudly you almost couldn't hear my father’s or Charlie’s reply. All the neighborhood dogs started to bark as well at Maggie’s prompt which my father enjoys hearing.

Charlie is like me and we can’t resist eating something sweet and delicious.

“Are these from the deli in Kroger?” Charlie asked incredulously as he ate a couple of cookies.

“They are much more expensive in the deli, but don’t they taste so much better?” I told Charlie. “It was $3.99 for a container of oatmeal and raisin cookies.”

I left Charlie in the kitchen to join my father in my den for the medication ritual. 

The Grandness of Grocery Day…

7767570c-2f92-42b9-8f16-cb5a1be24956I know I am a terrible broken record as far as my cooking is concerned.  I am once again going to get enough ingredients to make my mother’s beef chow mein for four meals which will entail four heads of cabbage and two pounds of ground chuck.  I also need to make sure to get another bottle of soy sauce as I am almost out and also some chow mein noodles as well.

In more broken record fashion, I am once again getting my two large boxes of unfrosted strawberry Pop-tarts.  Two gallons of milk, of course, will accompany my Pop-tarts.

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