Monday, December 28, 2015

A Post Rain Storm Sunday Evening...

I am running a high fever tonight for some reason.  Don't know what that is about.  I felt weak all afternoon and then got sick.

Things are starting to get back to normal around here, though.  My neighbor is sitting out in his Dodge listening to Rockabilly music.  Dad is hopefully on his way here with medications.  I think, but I am not sure, but I do think I am experiencing some withdrawal to my medications after we took them so early yesterday. We took them around 4 pm I think.  I am really thinking a lot tonight I think.

***short break after phone call from Laura***

I just talked to my father at home and he is on the way and he says WE ARE buying groceries tonight.  I told him I couldn't go since I felt so poorly.

"I am going to help you tonight," he told me. "You are not going to try to cook and we are going to be practical -- practical grocery shopping!"

This should prove interesting.  I will probably come home with a bunch of "terrible for you" frozen meals and I guarantee you he will overspend.


glittermom said...

You really need to regulate the time you take your should take them about the same time every day! I am surprised your father who thinks he's a doctor doesn't know this. Probably why you have so many highs and lows and sleep fluctuations..

Rita said...

I so agree with glittermom. I have wondered if you could go pick take them wherever he is.

Beth said...

That was the first thing my daughter's doctor told us when she started the psych meds-- taking them at regular, evenly spaced times.. The second thing was which ones to take with a meal since some drugs need some fat/protein/carbs to work at peak efficiency. If she takes them too close together, she is a zombie. If sh fails to eat properly, she feels sick and disoriented. Like glittermom, I am surprised that your father is so cavalier about the timing of your meds. Maybe you could ask your psych doc next time about when to take them, since your dad is always in the room, so that he gets the message?