Monday, December 28, 2015

Grocery Store Shopping Papa Style...

I told my father I couldn't go grocery shopping when he arrived. I was almost adamant and militant about it.  This grocery trip was certainly foreboding pain and anguish I feared. I was still running a high temperature. Dad brought Tylenol and aspirin for it.

"I'll drive us," he said. "And I will do most of the work.  You just tell me what you want and I want to add some things I think you will enjoy as well."

"I also don't want your mother driving me nuts about you not having anything to eat as well," he added as we headed out to his car by the curb.

I got in the car, my heart pounding a thousand beats per minute, and we were off for Kroger. As usual, my father's driving makes me carsick.  I tried to tell my father my just given medications would take an hour to soak in and would be useless.

"Oh, you will be okay," he said brushing away my comment.

"Do you like sandwiches?" dad asked when we walked across the parking lot of Kroger. "I am going now to get you some sandwich meat, mayonnaise and loaf bread."

Dad brought back 4 packs of Carving Board sliced meats and I knew then we were headed to the danger zone price wise.  I usually can't afford those because they are so expensive. They are delicious but very costly. He also had two loafs of Nature's Own honey wheat bread and a large jar of Blue Plate mayonnaise.

"I got you two of each, smoked turkey and honey ham."

I headed then for breakfast foods.  I already had plenty of grits, but I needed butter, eggs, and frozen biscuits. I forgot to get any bacon -- a situation I will remedy tomorrow when I get to moving around good after a night's sleep.

Dad then got me some of that expensive Cracker Barrel cheddar cheese and Waverly crackers telling me he loved cheese and crackers.

I then headed off to get frozen meals which dad started to throw in my cart as he asked me which ones I like. He threw in some Asian meals as well.

"What do you want now?" he asked.

"I want milk chocolate pudding, 2 quarts of Promised Land chocolate milk, and some eggnog," I replied.

Dad came back with five packs of pudding, bananas (which he said could help with my potassium), peanut butter, and chocolate milk, but he couldn't find the eggnog, though.

"That pudding is good for your stomach!" he also told me helpfully. "What's next?"

"I need two gallons of sweet milk and two large boxes of unfrosted Pop-Tarts," I told him.

My father went for the milk as I headed to the cereal aisle to get my Pop-Tarts.

We checked out and the total was well over $100 as I had surmised previously.  Dad debited it out of his own personal account as my disability account is running low being so late in the month.

One very nice thing my father did when we returned to my house was that he helped me bring in all my groceries and helped put them away. I was very thankful for that.

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1 comment:

hawkhammer said...

Happy New Year to you. May 2016 bring you lots of good things, good health and many happy days.
I would like to ask, "What is sweet milk"?