Saturday, December 26, 2015

Don't Wake Your Mother...

"Do you want to come take your medications now?" my father asked me over the phone this afternoon.

"Yes, please," I replied excitedly and with great hope.

I hate having to beg and cajole my father into doing this little necessity of my life so early in the day as I normally do. Most of the time, I have to wait until after 9 pm to get them.

I drove over to my parent's house to find my father sitting out on the back deck eating lunch.  It is 80°F here today.  The weather is gorgeous and we are certainly having an Indian summer. Dad was eating a toasted turkey sandwich that looked so delicious.

"I am going to start a new book after lunch," my father told me as he handed me a handful of my medications.

"Do you want the rest of that oyster casserole?" Dad then asked.

"Yes sir," I replied. "I will take whatever you give me."

"We have lots of leftovers and I will make sure you get them," dad told me. "I will call you later to come pick them up."

I wrung my hands in devilish fashion.

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