Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Festive Fajitas…

chicken-fajitas-vertical-dmI haven’t been getting my usual Mexican meal on Tuesday nights going on months now.  I grew tired of the same thing over and over (#9 burrito meal), and the food at that restaurant, El Rio Grande, is bland and every dish tastes the same.  Mom just called me and said she was bringing me chicken fajitas.  Now, I can chow down on some fajitas, but my mother was complaining of the cost months ago.  I guess she finally gave in and changed her mind.  I told her a profuse thank you for the meal.  The steak fajitas are really expensive at $19.99 so the chicken fajitas at $14.99 are a fair compromise.

Photo Credit:  http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/chicken_fajitas/

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